★5000个读数/秒,DCV基本精度:16ppm; ★7 1/2 位数字万用表 ★可以测量热电偶、RTD 和热敏电阻、直流/交流电压和电流、电阻、频率和周期、二极管测试和电容 ★非易失存储器可存储 50000个读数,并在断电时保留数据 ★支持 BenchVue 软件:BenchVue DAQ 控制和分析应用软件支持您无需编程即可生成测试 ★能够测量超小电流(100 μA 直流 100 μA 交流)和更高的电阻(1000 MΩ) ★彩屏显示,有直方图、条形图图形显示
34470A 7位半数字万用表 主要特性与技术指标
•Resolutions up to 7½ digits •Reading rates up to 50,000 readings/s
•Memory up to 2 million readings
•Voltage ranges from 100 mV to 1,000 V
•Current ranges from 1 µA to 10 A
•USB and LAN interfaces, optional GPIB
•BenchVue software enabled 34470A
7位半数字万用表 描述
The Keysight 34470A 7½ digit, Performance Truevolt DMMs offer higher levels of accuracy, speed and resolution.
Get more insight quickly: Truevolt DMM's graphical capabilities such as trend and histogram charts offer more insights quickly.
Both models also provide a data logging mode for easier trend analysis and a digitizing mode for capturing transients.
Measure low-power devices: The ability to measure very low current, 1 µA range with pA resolution, allows you to make measurements on very low power devices.
Maintain calibrated measurements: Auto calibration allows you to compensate for temperature drift so you can maintain measurement accuracy throughout your workday.